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start [2012/09/30 19:45]
irian [News]
start [2012/10/13 11:17] (current)
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 ===== News ===== ===== News =====
-**(September 30. 2012)** Still working on build 0.05, which will support saving and loading scenarios from and to .zip files, which allows the gm to prepare a scenario and then export it to a .zip file, which he then can copy onto his laptop, for example. Additionally, error handling/logging will be enhanced, so that the user has at least a chance to see what went wrong.+**(Oct. 1. 2012)** Released pre-alpha 0.05.
-**(September 272012)** Released Pre-Alpha 0.04 (includes a name generator plugin and you now can rotate the tokens). +**(Sept30. 2012)** Still working on build 0.05, which will support saving and loading scenarios from and to .zip files, which allows the gm to prepare a scenario and then export it to a .zip file, which he then can copy onto his laptop, for example. Additionally, error handling/logging will be enhanced, so that the user has at least chance to see what went wrong.
- +
-**(September 25. 2012)** Vacation is obviously good for something, like getting coding work done. The third pre-alpha build (0.03) can be downloaded from SourceForgeBiggest feature is the Image Viewer, which works now reasonably well and allows to move tokens around, for example to mark positions on map.+
 ===== General Information ===== ===== General Information =====
 The "Gamemaster Tool" (GMTool) is a simple tool, written in Java, to aid gamemasters in running their gaming sessions by managing their notes, handouts, player and non-player character, etc. It was specifically designed to work on a small notebook (like the EEE PC, which is small enough not to use up all space on the gaming table), but will work on most computers/notebooks.  The "Gamemaster Tool" (GMTool) is a simple tool, written in Java, to aid gamemasters in running their gaming sessions by managing their notes, handouts, player and non-player character, etc. It was specifically designed to work on a small notebook (like the EEE PC, which is small enough not to use up all space on the gaming table), but will work on most computers/notebooks. 
 +Of course, there are already many tools out there, dice rollers for almost any system, combat trackers for many of them, etc. The basic idea here is not to provide another tool specifically for one system, but a platform in which different plugins can be integrated (including dice rollers and combat trackers) to form a all-in-one tool for gamemastering an rpg session.
 See [[GMToolHowTo]] for a usage manual or [[GMToolCoding]] for a coding manual. See [[GMToolHowTo]] for a usage manual or [[GMToolCoding]] for a coding manual.
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 ===== Comments ===== ===== Comments =====
-  * Leave a comment at the [[Comments]] page (everyone can write there without having to log in). +  * (Had to delete the comments page, as spammers seem to think of it as a free link farm 
-  * Send an [[|E-Mail]]!+  * Send an [[|E-Mail]] 
   * View the [[Impressum]]   * View the [[Impressum]]
start.1349027116.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/09/30 19:45 by irian